All men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.

~James Thurber

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Should I ?

Well, this has been a crazy week with school & work.  I'm on the home stretch towards graduating so I am slammed with reading, finals, and papers!

On a more interesting note, I've had a several informative conversations about the Peace Corp with a variety of folks.  Found out that one of my coworkers spent some time in the Corp - gonna chat her up next week.

So.......the big question is....SHOULD I???   When I retire, should I spend some time in the Peace Corp?  If my health is good, my kids settled, etc., I can't imagine a better way to put words to action.  Health benefits are provided, and I would have my annuity and social security hitting the bank.  If I work unitl I'm 67 to get the max social security benefits, I would be hitting the road at an age when most people are just relaxing and enjoying retirement.

Luckily, I have a while to think on this, talk to others, and do a little research.  There are so many video clips from volunteers who have had amazing experiences.  Check out this video clip - this fearless woman is 69 years old - if she can, I can!

I am inspired......and hopeful......that I can make a difference in later life.

I have to vent about something for a minute - just to balance this post!  I am so very tired of all the conservative Christians who claim to love Jesus but behave nothing like him.  How, if they truly love Christ, can they continue their hateful rants and rages at those that disagree, amicably, with them? 

For heavens sake - I could take to ranting about Sarah Palin and Rush Limwhateverhisnameis!!  But I have better things to do.......AND I'm sick of these people not getting all the facts before they rant. 

Enough!  I have to study, write papers, and cook.  Taking food to my baby sister & her hubby, and their new precious bundle of joy tomorrow.


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