All men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.

~James Thurber

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Should I ?

Well, this has been a crazy week with school & work.  I'm on the home stretch towards graduating so I am slammed with reading, finals, and papers!

On a more interesting note, I've had a several informative conversations about the Peace Corp with a variety of folks.  Found out that one of my coworkers spent some time in the Corp - gonna chat her up next week.

So.......the big question is....SHOULD I???   When I retire, should I spend some time in the Peace Corp?  If my health is good, my kids settled, etc., I can't imagine a better way to put words to action.  Health benefits are provided, and I would have my annuity and social security hitting the bank.  If I work unitl I'm 67 to get the max social security benefits, I would be hitting the road at an age when most people are just relaxing and enjoying retirement.

Luckily, I have a while to think on this, talk to others, and do a little research.  There are so many video clips from volunteers who have had amazing experiences.  Check out this video clip - this fearless woman is 69 years old - if she can, I can!

I am inspired......and hopeful......that I can make a difference in later life.

I have to vent about something for a minute - just to balance this post!  I am so very tired of all the conservative Christians who claim to love Jesus but behave nothing like him.  How, if they truly love Christ, can they continue their hateful rants and rages at those that disagree, amicably, with them? 

For heavens sake - I could take to ranting about Sarah Palin and Rush Limwhateverhisnameis!!  But I have better things to do.......AND I'm sick of these people not getting all the facts before they rant. 

Enough!  I have to study, write papers, and cook.  Taking food to my baby sister & her hubby, and their new precious bundle of joy tomorrow.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

And........the Peace Corp will be 50 in 2011 !!!

I've decided it's important for me to find out, and acknowledge, worthwhile people, organizations, etc., that will also turn 50 in 2011.  Of course I turned to Google for this task, and low & behold - the first item that popped up was the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corp.  I don't really know much about the Peace Corp, but I am about to dive into their website & learn all that I can.  Yes, I should be studying for a final but I am just over it - I can't study another second this semester - not ONE second. is a link to the Peace Corp website for those of you interested....

One quick fact about the Peace Corp - On March 1, 1961, months before I was born, President Kennedy signed an executive order establishing the Peace Corp - called the Peace Corp Act.  Check out the link above - President Kennedy gave a speech at the University of Michigan prior to signing this order (October 14, 1960) & challenged the students who had waited for hours to volunteer for the cause of peach in developing countries, which was the inspiration for the founding of the Peace Corp.

President Kennedy then held an inaugural ceremony for the first group of volunteers (in the White House Rose Garden) - watch this video:

SO.....I have alot to learn......and luckily it's something I am CHOOSING to learn rather than being forced to learn!! 

On a side note, summer semester 2010 is ALMOST over - I honestly have never had a more difficult semester in college.  Taking 9 hours in one 8-week session is insane !!!

ENJOY the info about the Peace Corp & look for more info to follow.....this is exciting!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Being an Aunt..............

Well, I am an aunt, again!  My baby sister gave birth to Everett Travis Grubb at 11:47 p.m. on Monday, July 5, 2010.  He is a little bitty fella, cute as a button.  Looks like his daddy to me, but with his mom's nose.  I am amazed at how well my sister handled the whole birthing situation.  She was about as calm as I've ever seen her!  I am so proud of her!!  I expected her husband to handle it all very well, and of course he did!!  Here is a pic of the little fella - I love him already.

So now I am the Aunt to three amazing little boys - and of course Nana to my amazing grandson!

So what exactly does it mean to be an Aunt?  I think about my Aunt Cathy & what she means to me, and my Aunt Norma.  I hope I will be that kind of Aunt to these boys.  I love them so much.  Don't get to see them as much as I'd like with my crazy school schedule, and of course their schedule.  I think about them every day though, and I have a huge bulletin board in my office full of pictures of them.  I wonder sometimes if they really know who I am.  Yes they see me at birthday celebrations, holidays, etc., but I am not a part of their daily life.  That makes me a little sad.  But I think back on my childhood and even though I didn't see my Aunt's frequently, I knew them & got excited when I knew I was able to see them.

The new nephew, little Everett, is so precious.  It will be interesting to see who he becomes.  Will he be a type A like his mom, or a type B like his dad?  Hopefully he'll be the perfect combo of the two of them.

Congrats Lesley & Travis on beautiful little Everett!!  I love you guys!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks & Family

Well I spent the 4th studying & writing papers!  The life of a student - boring!  I'm not sure my brain can retain all the info I tried to shove into it yesterday - certainly I can recall maybe one or two facts - but no more than that.

My daughter & grandson came over late in the evening - we were determined to get Krispy Kreme HOT donuts - but they were closed (boo!!).  So we rode downtown to see if Dunkin Donuts was open and encountered the fireworks at Bishop Park - ending up pulling over on the side of the Loop - they were amazing.  Listened to NPRs Capital 4th Music Celebration - perfect backdrop for the fireworks.

Headed to McDonalds after that for some Cinnamelts - holy cow - if you haven't had one of these you MUST try them - if you know what monkey bread is - they are like that - little rounds of sweet bread smothered in cinnamon & sugar - YUMMY!!!

Came home, grandbaby was asleep - tucked him into his toddler bed.  But oh he was up at 1 - got out of the bed & just sat in the floor in the middle of the bedroom - I grabbed him up & snuggled him till he went back to sleep - tucked him safely back into the bed.  Next thing I know - he is standing beside me patting me saying Nana - his mom is still asleep at this point.  I snuggle him up again, tuck him in again, and he sleeps.  I sleep.  THEN mom is up with him around 2-2:30.  He wouldn't go back to sleep.  So my daughter decides to go on home, hoping she can put him to bed & get some sleep.

My baby sister is pregnant and expecting any minute - our plan is to head to the hospital at some point today & say hello.  No hurry - this is her first & she is being induced, which takes a little longer.  I can't wait to meet my new nephew. 

Well back to the books.........only 3 weeks left then I start my LAST semester of undergraduate school.  Already thinking ahead to grad school.........

Saturday, July 3, 2010

362 days.........Grandchildren are the BEST!!!

Spent most of the day at Watson Mill Bridge State Park with Sarah Jean (my daughter) and Mikey (my grandson). Of course that's AFTER I got a pedicure at a random nail salon on the way to my daughter's house. No lie - the man that did the pedicure was OLDER than me!!! He kept stopping to stretch & check his fingers, like he had pain in his hands or something. He did a great job though...........

Back to the park - what an amazing place! Nature trails, horses, awesome playground....and best of all - the river shoals! We took Mikey down to the equestrian camping area where the horse stalls are - he is obsessed with horses by the way. There were about 10 horses stabled & some were neighing - Mikey starts neighing right along with them!!! When we were leaving, this nice lady named Rosemary from Comer, GA, asked if Mikey wanted to ride her horse, Princess. OF COURSE!!! Rosemary was SO nice - Mikey had a blast - sat up there on that big, beautiful horse, no fear!! The look on his face - priceless!! Check out this pic of him on the horse:

Needless to say the boy was in hog heaven. Left the stables, went to the playground - he loved that too! Ended the day in the cool water at the shoals - didn't take my camera down there. Mikey has NO FEAR!!! He literally tried to run out into the shoals - it was VERY slippery & thank goodness Sarah Jean is so young & agile!! We found him a little pool and he played in it & tried to catch tadpoles.

Went from the park to clean up then headed to the WORST mexican restaurant I've ever been to - if you are in Comer, GA, do not eat at the little place in the strip right in town - terrible!

AND to top all this fun of - my baby sister is pregnant, and found out she is to be induced tomorrow @ 8 pm!!! Her first baby!!! I'm 15 years older than Lesley - I vividly recall the day she was born - I had a ballgame to cheer but left school early & went to the hospital to see her - passed out cold in front of the nursery - went to the game & cheered!!! I can't believe she is having a baby - I am so excited for her & Travis - and this will be my 3rd nephew!!!

Enough! I'm so tired - chasing Mikey is tiring but SOOO rewarding!! Here's one more pic - enjoy!

Friday, July 2, 2010

363 days...............

Day two of blogging..........with only 363 days until I turn 50. Only 5 months until I finally graduate with my bachelor's degree. My goal was to do it before I turned 50 - so check! SO many other things on my "to do" list before I turn 50. Visit Alaska, become a runner, start dating again (working on that!!), learn how to use a flat iron on my head full of curls, visit all the family members on my mother's side that are still alive, on and on and on....

I think it's safe to say that I can do the items on my list mentioned above, but what about all the things I didn't mention? Hmmmm....maybe I need to subdivide the list into (1) will do, (2) might do, and (3) probably won't get to that.

Example: I have an adorable Jack Russell - sweet Emma. I would love to go to one of those shows where the Jack Russell's race, and see if SHE could do it. Here is the latest pic of sweet Emma (although she has ruined my living room carpet). So basically I have to make a choice - spend the money traveling to one of these dog shows, or take a cruise to Alaska. Yep, Alaska will win the coin toss.

Definitely time for bed..............after a GREAT night!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blogging..........the beginning

Well, my graduate assistant, Jillian, she's a blogger. And I so enjoy her posts. So I think I'm gonna give it a try. Today is my birthday - my 49th! My sister Melissa keeps reminding me that it's only 364 days until I hit the big 5-0!!! I thought I would be really sad today, realizing I'm about to pass into "later life." But I'm not. I'm about to FINALLY get my undergrad degree, and have been contemplating the next move in my educational journey. Grad school is a given - but where, what to study. I really, really wish I could drop everything & go to UGA, get my degree in educational psychology. Alas, approaching 50 reminds me my timing is a little off! I love my job, NEED my job, need my health insurance. The only hope for that pursuit is meeting a rich sugar daddy who wants to keep me up - ha ha!

Enough for now................not sure how this blogging thing really works or how often I will be able to post. We shall see...............