All men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.

~James Thurber

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks & Family

Well I spent the 4th studying & writing papers!  The life of a student - boring!  I'm not sure my brain can retain all the info I tried to shove into it yesterday - certainly I can recall maybe one or two facts - but no more than that.

My daughter & grandson came over late in the evening - we were determined to get Krispy Kreme HOT donuts - but they were closed (boo!!).  So we rode downtown to see if Dunkin Donuts was open and encountered the fireworks at Bishop Park - ending up pulling over on the side of the Loop - they were amazing.  Listened to NPRs Capital 4th Music Celebration - perfect backdrop for the fireworks.

Headed to McDonalds after that for some Cinnamelts - holy cow - if you haven't had one of these you MUST try them - if you know what monkey bread is - they are like that - little rounds of sweet bread smothered in cinnamon & sugar - YUMMY!!!

Came home, grandbaby was asleep - tucked him into his toddler bed.  But oh he was up at 1 - got out of the bed & just sat in the floor in the middle of the bedroom - I grabbed him up & snuggled him till he went back to sleep - tucked him safely back into the bed.  Next thing I know - he is standing beside me patting me saying Nana - his mom is still asleep at this point.  I snuggle him up again, tuck him in again, and he sleeps.  I sleep.  THEN mom is up with him around 2-2:30.  He wouldn't go back to sleep.  So my daughter decides to go on home, hoping she can put him to bed & get some sleep.

My baby sister is pregnant and expecting any minute - our plan is to head to the hospital at some point today & say hello.  No hurry - this is her first & she is being induced, which takes a little longer.  I can't wait to meet my new nephew. 

Well back to the books.........only 3 weeks left then I start my LAST semester of undergraduate school.  Already thinking ahead to grad school.........

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